Sunday, September 30, 2007
Vod Box
Taking full advantage of friends in high places, Bartender Ben got the girls and I got VIP treatment at Nic's Martini Lounge on Thursday night. We happened to arrive in the middle of a baseball team's cocktail party, the San Francisco Giant's party. After black cherry martinis, Eva and I moved our way to the band and danced to hip jazz. Mister baseball himself, Barry Bonds, was dancing too and grabbed my hand and spun me around! We danced our way back to our table and noticed that comedian and drunk, Andy Dick, was at the table next to ours. We were laughing and taking in everything around us, when Andy Dick's assistant tapped Eva on the shoulder and told her Andy wanted to 'talk to her later'. The night began to wind down, but the more people left, the more drinks Andy demanded. The manager finally had to request that he leave after he followed Eva and I into the women's bathroom and proceeded to piss in one of the toilettes with the door open. After the shitshow was gone, we turned the music back up and hit the Vod Box, a room chilled to 27 degrees where all the finest vodka was kept. The manager shared tastes of their best, which went for upwards of $1400 a bottle. We didn't think much of it, just another night in beverly hills.

Monday, September 24, 2007
Knee Deep
Friday night poured rain. So of course we were party hopping. All the houses around the school look as if little old ladies should be living there, and every other house there are. But in between the old people live all the college kids who throw the most raging parties. Behind the white pickett fences and rose bushes is a backyard flittered with red cups and filled with people in themed outfits. I drove Chelsea, Eva and Alinna to another 21st birthday house party. The backyard garage, like all the other college houses, was transformed into a lounge/ dancefloor with a makeshift bar next to a three foot ice luge. The party was extremely packed, almost to the point of suffocation. No one wanted to get wet in the drizzle. But when the rain began to pound down, we had no choice but to run and dance in the rain all the way to our car.
Yesterday I decided to go cold turkey on boys for one week. I knew I had the will power, I just had to do it. I wouldn't call them. I wouldn't send flirty text messages. No more chasing boys. I just like having someone to talk to, and lately most of those people have been guys, who happend to be interested. No more...just Steph. It makes my head spin, so all I wanted was a break, just for a week.
I make my resolution, and what happens? I'm inundated with texts, phone calls and chance meetings in the halls. What's a girl to do?
Yesterday I decided to go cold turkey on boys for one week. I knew I had the will power, I just had to do it. I wouldn't call them. I wouldn't send flirty text messages. No more chasing boys. I just like having someone to talk to, and lately most of those people have been guys, who happend to be interested. No more...just Steph. It makes my head spin, so all I wanted was a break, just for a week.
I make my resolution, and what happens? I'm inundated with texts, phone calls and chance meetings in the halls. What's a girl to do?
Rage Your Balls Off
Thursday night a big 21st birthday bash was thrown Party Central. All the guys were planning on hitting up Vegas the next day and wanted to party with all the friends here before they left. When Eva, Chelsea and I first got there it was definately a sausage fest, but the alcohol was flowing, thanks to a vodka energy drink that sponsored the party, and soon the house was packed with people. We danced and laughed all night. Everyone was pretty hammered when mister Trav decided it was a good idea to tell his girlfriend that he had cheated on her with..someone..and shit kinda hit the fan. She freaked out, started screaming and wouldn't leave. I though miss sorority chick was gonna punch someone in the face. Glad it wasn't me. At the end of the night after everyone had left, the carpet and floors inside were dirtier than the beer soaked patio in the back, and the counter was completely covered with energy drink cans.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Crank That
Friday my lovely lady Chelsea finally came and visited me from San Diego. It was so good to see her, it really had been too long. We just sat and talked about life, boys, everything. And damn, she found me out, I've had her black sequin dress since homecoming last year..but after all that time doesn't it kinda make it mine..hah. We cruised over to the dorms and hung out listening to music. Chelsea almost had a heart attack when she found out we didn't know who Soulja Boy was. She grabbed the computer and found his song 'Crank That' and promptly hopped up to bust out a whole dance routine choreographed to the song. Eva and I had to learn.

After back and forth of the 'what should we do??' game, I decided to have friends over. We drank, we danced, we laughed, we hit the jacuzzi. It was a splended night. Pancakes for breakfast are the best.
Yesterday I shot for Kohl's again. Same shizz different day.. but the good kind of shizz. The kind that pays. And although Kayln wasn't there with me, my wonderful Pieter was! LUSH!
After back and forth of the 'what should we do??' game, I decided to have friends over. We drank, we danced, we laughed, we hit the jacuzzi. It was a splended night. Pancakes for breakfast are the best.
Yesterday I shot for Kohl's again. Same shizz different day.. but the good kind of shizz. The kind that pays. And although Kayln wasn't there with me, my wonderful Pieter was! LUSH!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
WednesdayNight, ThursdayNight, FridayNight...
Wednesday afternoon Jordan and I performed our scene in theater class. We were by far the best, with our 'naughty secretary' scene. After school I ran over to a shoot for new modle videos for the FORD website. Waiting for my turn took forever but I got the chance to talk with some new models who were my age. I totally rocked the video shoot, although I liked the one they already have up..
That night I joined Eva and Natalie at the dorms for some trouble. Nat had just bought a mini trampoline for their dorm..why, I don't know, but it was rad. Of course I got the brilliant idea to try and use the trampoline as a launch pad to clear the top bunkbed. Not a good idea. I ate shizz and my back got a gash as if someone had wipped me. My bruised elbow is still giving me pains. We ran around the guys dorms trying to stir something up, but I guess everyone had better stuff to do on a Wednesday night. Since 'playing sports' is prohibited in the halls, we decided to do the only thing that wasn't banned, surfing.

Thursday night Natalie, Eva, Chelsea (nat's roommate) and I went over to Trav/Mike/Ben's place aka Pershing Party Central. This time the neighbors had their gate open so the building was one big mess of college kids. Like always, the beer pong table was going off, Irie was running around licking the beer off people's faces and at least four people were gathered around the Wii all night. The neighbor guys were really friendly and funny. One was a hopful model who just happened to have a bunch of headshots sitting on the counter, and another guys was an actor who wanted to play theater games. So I caved and agreed to do an improv scene. The scene was: My boyfriend cheated on me, with my brother (the other guy). So I went off raving about how my 'boyfriend' cheated on me and when it came to the other guy's turn to say something he started cracking up. We all just laughed at him. The neighbors showed us a dance to some rap song by a guy named Soulja Boy..I guess hes a big deal. Natalie met a guy and it turns out she dated all his friends, so they talked about the good old days, and by the end of the night were adopting turtles together. Ben was planning on freeing his turtles in the marshland the next day and Nat just couldn't stand the thought.
Eva and Chelsea had enough with the evening so I took them home, but not before Ben gave us directions to possibly the farthest Jack in the Box from where we were, even though we all insisted on going to the one around the corner. Back at the house miss 'Cheetah Girl' had hit the bottle hard. This girl who should not have been wearing a skin tight cheetah print dress, was falling everywhere and trying to get her hands on any guy who would look at her. Nat and I stayed and watched 40 Year Old Virgin with the boys..ho fo' sho.
That night I joined Eva and Natalie at the dorms for some trouble. Nat had just bought a mini trampoline for their dorm..why, I don't know, but it was rad. Of course I got the brilliant idea to try and use the trampoline as a launch pad to clear the top bunkbed. Not a good idea. I ate shizz and my back got a gash as if someone had wipped me. My bruised elbow is still giving me pains. We ran around the guys dorms trying to stir something up, but I guess everyone had better stuff to do on a Wednesday night. Since 'playing sports' is prohibited in the halls, we decided to do the only thing that wasn't banned, surfing.
Thursday night Natalie, Eva, Chelsea (nat's roommate) and I went over to Trav/Mike/Ben's place aka Pershing Party Central. This time the neighbors had their gate open so the building was one big mess of college kids. Like always, the beer pong table was going off, Irie was running around licking the beer off people's faces and at least four people were gathered around the Wii all night. The neighbor guys were really friendly and funny. One was a hopful model who just happened to have a bunch of headshots sitting on the counter, and another guys was an actor who wanted to play theater games. So I caved and agreed to do an improv scene. The scene was: My boyfriend cheated on me, with my brother (the other guy). So I went off raving about how my 'boyfriend' cheated on me and when it came to the other guy's turn to say something he started cracking up. We all just laughed at him. The neighbors showed us a dance to some rap song by a guy named Soulja Boy..I guess hes a big deal. Natalie met a guy and it turns out she dated all his friends, so they talked about the good old days, and by the end of the night were adopting turtles together. Ben was planning on freeing his turtles in the marshland the next day and Nat just couldn't stand the thought.
Eva and Chelsea had enough with the evening so I took them home, but not before Ben gave us directions to possibly the farthest Jack in the Box from where we were, even though we all insisted on going to the one around the corner. Back at the house miss 'Cheetah Girl' had hit the bottle hard. This girl who should not have been wearing a skin tight cheetah print dress, was falling everywhere and trying to get her hands on any guy who would look at her. Nat and I stayed and watched 40 Year Old Virgin with the boys..ho fo' sho.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
My late Friday night spilled over to Saturday morning and I ended up sleeping the day away. I relaxed by the pool and talked to my lady, Chelsea, for two hours on the phone and heard all about San Diego. I was planning on only staying out for a short time but two hours later I realized that I had gotten a nice bronze due to my lack of sunscreen. By late afternoon was beginning to feel that my day had become a complete waste and saw no hope for rallying for the evening either. Just as I as accepting my hangover fate, Steve, mister hairstylist from the Miken shoot a few weeks back, gave me a call and invited me out for dinner. It was exactly what I needed. We went to this great caribbean place in Santa Monica and talked about the business, people who aren't as ambitious as us, and his ex wife.
After Steve and I parted ways, I cruised over to Westwood and met up with Casey and Ally. Rachael was drunk off her ass, wearing some short rhinestoned dress and JP didn't look too pleased. Including JP's friends from Pepperdine and the UCLA engineering majors from two doors down, we made quite a group, thirteen of us to be exact. We ventured out into the warm hall toward the elevator. We were bent on fitting all thirteen of us into the small elevator car to spare ourselves the six story walk down the stairwell. As person number nine squeezed in, the stationary elevator made an unexpected jump that was a good four inches. The mixed drink that was being held above our heads to avoid being spilled came cascading down the back of Rachael's dress. With a shriek she shoved past us out of the elevator and threw herself into JP's arms. We took the stairs. We went to the hooka bar Habibi which is just across the street from the other hooka bar, Gypsy. The place was lit with red lights and was an indoor/outdoor set up with writing on the walls. It took me back to cabo..oh cabo.

haha that chick was soo gone
After Steve and I parted ways, I cruised over to Westwood and met up with Casey and Ally. Rachael was drunk off her ass, wearing some short rhinestoned dress and JP didn't look too pleased. Including JP's friends from Pepperdine and the UCLA engineering majors from two doors down, we made quite a group, thirteen of us to be exact. We ventured out into the warm hall toward the elevator. We were bent on fitting all thirteen of us into the small elevator car to spare ourselves the six story walk down the stairwell. As person number nine squeezed in, the stationary elevator made an unexpected jump that was a good four inches. The mixed drink that was being held above our heads to avoid being spilled came cascading down the back of Rachael's dress. With a shriek she shoved past us out of the elevator and threw herself into JP's arms. We took the stairs. We went to the hooka bar Habibi which is just across the street from the other hooka bar, Gypsy. The place was lit with red lights and was an indoor/outdoor set up with writing on the walls. It took me back to cabo..oh cabo.
haha that chick was soo gone
Gimme that Dance
Friday night I went out with my new BFFs. Introducing Eva and Sophia...

So they're pretty much like my besties. The three of us totally click and we're all Sagittarius. Its a done deal.
Earlier in the day Eva and I went shopping at a thrift store and I found the most bitching 1970's cream colored fur coat for, get this, one dollar. Talk about a steal, although I was afraid that PETA was going to egg me on the way out. We decided the soft curly material must be dog fur. She and I also hit up this indoor Mexican bargain store that was converted from a movie theater into a market. Later we met up with Sophia and the three of us talked over coffee for two hours. That night we went to a little Italian resturant near campus for dinner. We discussed what we were going to do that night. They wanted to go to Michael's party he was throwing for all the theater kids. I wasn't really keen on going, only because I went to his party last weekend and brought a bunch of other freshmen. The only thing he said to us when we walked in was, "My freshmen! No puking in the house" of course one of the guys I drove loses it all over the floor. So I wasn't exactly thrilled to go back to that house. In the mean time we hung out at my place an met up with Federico, who suggested we preparty at Travers's house. Down the street we go. But the girls we a little shy and wanted to go to Michael's party. I decided to join the boy and go to a frat party at UCLA. The frat house was exactly what I had expected; wooden paddles on the walls, drunk guys everywhere and rooms that looked like they hadn't been cleaned in years. I talked to this dirty hot rock and roll guy who totally stole Mickey Avalon's look.

He talked my ear off about his band Big City Lights. Here ya go boys...
After the frat party got lame at 1:30, the boys and I stumbled over to Gypsy, a hooka bar in Westwood. Pop music mixed with Indian beats played and some guys at the table next to us had bongos that got the entire place up and dancing on the tables. Roy, Kevin, Federico, Trav and I cut a rug till the place cleared out. Federico got all pissed because he thinks I like his friend who has a girlfriend. Back at Trav's house we ran out of booze so one of the roommates and I hopped the fence to the nieghbors house, crept in the back slider and raided the alcohol cabinet. He assured me by saying "its fine, they're college guys too". We all finally fell passed out at Trav's house as the sun was rising and when Feddy came over in the morning/afternoon he took one look at our slumber party out and promptly left. Hmm, 'just friends' don't get that upset over wild nights.
So they're pretty much like my besties. The three of us totally click and we're all Sagittarius. Its a done deal.
Earlier in the day Eva and I went shopping at a thrift store and I found the most bitching 1970's cream colored fur coat for, get this, one dollar. Talk about a steal, although I was afraid that PETA was going to egg me on the way out. We decided the soft curly material must be dog fur. She and I also hit up this indoor Mexican bargain store that was converted from a movie theater into a market. Later we met up with Sophia and the three of us talked over coffee for two hours. That night we went to a little Italian resturant near campus for dinner. We discussed what we were going to do that night. They wanted to go to Michael's party he was throwing for all the theater kids. I wasn't really keen on going, only because I went to his party last weekend and brought a bunch of other freshmen. The only thing he said to us when we walked in was, "My freshmen! No puking in the house" of course one of the guys I drove loses it all over the floor. So I wasn't exactly thrilled to go back to that house. In the mean time we hung out at my place an met up with Federico, who suggested we preparty at Travers's house. Down the street we go. But the girls we a little shy and wanted to go to Michael's party. I decided to join the boy and go to a frat party at UCLA. The frat house was exactly what I had expected; wooden paddles on the walls, drunk guys everywhere and rooms that looked like they hadn't been cleaned in years. I talked to this dirty hot rock and roll guy who totally stole Mickey Avalon's look.
He talked my ear off about his band Big City Lights. Here ya go boys...
After the frat party got lame at 1:30, the boys and I stumbled over to Gypsy, a hooka bar in Westwood. Pop music mixed with Indian beats played and some guys at the table next to us had bongos that got the entire place up and dancing on the tables. Roy, Kevin, Federico, Trav and I cut a rug till the place cleared out. Federico got all pissed because he thinks I like his friend who has a girlfriend. Back at Trav's house we ran out of booze so one of the roommates and I hopped the fence to the nieghbors house, crept in the back slider and raided the alcohol cabinet. He assured me by saying "its fine, they're college guys too". We all finally fell passed out at Trav's house as the sun was rising and when Feddy came over in the morning/afternoon he took one look at our slumber party out and promptly left. Hmm, 'just friends' don't get that upset over wild nights.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Cookies Aren't So Great
I've been keeping really busy with school, but I was able to shoot off to Chicago Wednesday night for a Kohl's shoot the next day. I shared a ride from the airport to the hotel with three other models. Back at my hotel room I could hear something from the other side of the vent in the bathroom. It was the blonde model from Miami throwing up. Welcome to the business darling. I worked with my lovely Kayln again, who was fabulous as always. She told me about the bright yellow dress she will be wearing to the big homecoming dance. I was heart broken that Pieter wasn't working with us this time, he's been working in New York for the past month so hopefully Kayln and I will have our favorite makeup artist back for the next shoot! Anglea was the other model who worked with us and will be leaving in January to work in South Africa. Jealous much? We had 25 shots do do between the three of us which was reason enough to get tired before we even began, and eveyone was compeletely out of it since we had an extra early call time. But no matter how we feel its our job to rock it in front of the camera, and rock it we did. On the flight home we flew just a few miles from a thunder storm. I watched the clouds illuminate with flashes of lightning from my plane window.

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Desert Rose
Last night I went with Federico and some of his buddies to an Alice in Wonderland themed house party. I dressed up as the 'fashionable' white rabbit; brown vest, shorts, heels and silver kneesocks to match my sliver eye makeup. Oh and pigtails, which slutted it up in a naughty-little-girl way. The house was decorated with giant playing cards on the walls, huge mushrooms in the backyard and the back garage was turned into a techno dancefloor equip with strobe lights and fog machine. Feddy wore a velvet blazer and actually looked pretty pimp, but blacked out and probably doesn't remember the night. He texted me this morning asking if I had given him a ride home. I had not. Unfortunately I had to leave the party early before the dance party got really going, although the SigEp guy who was rolling was having quite a good time by himself in the techno room. This morning I had a 4:45am call to meet in Santa Monica, from where me and another model, Brian, were driven to the middle of the desert for a shoot. In between sleepy eyelids I watched the sun rise over the mountains and illuminate the dusty valley we drove toward. It was still cool in the morning when we began shooting at the site of an abandoned farm house that looked like it was from the depression era. We shot around a 1970's blue and white van that the photographer had rented and rode around on a dirt bike that handeled quite poorly in the sand. As the day grew hotter we moved locations to a a rocky hillside that overlooked the desert valley dotted by joshua trees. Just as the temperature reached 108 degrees we finished the shoot. It was only ten in the morning.

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