Finals behind me, I kick started the break with a little fun. I got a call to shoot for California Costumes again, every little girls dream; to play dress up as a job. Kayslee and I were reunited by the same clients who brought us together in the first place. I would later find out that my native american costume was their best selling outfit last Halloween.
USD still had another week of class left so after my shoot in San Diego I stayed the night with Chelsea and her girlies, Missy and Lena. Feeling a bit like a transvestite on parade with my fairy pink make up caked on, the girls and I hit the town. The ho ho holidays have landed.
My birthday was this month, and with friends back from school we celebrated at a Greek restaurant; dancing waiters included. I spent some quality time with the cousins; Maria a bit more outgoing joining me at dinner, Jane more enlightened through her trips to the East Village and Lena the same but sweet as ever. And then Nellie, oh dear Nellie the light of the family, she is a walking, (very much) talking American Girl Doll with a personality like pop rocks.
Although I don't have school to keep me busy, I have flown to the Midwest to shoot for Kohl's twice already this month, and another shoot scheduled for the day after Christmas. Its been hectic but I wouldn't have it any other way. Due to bad weather last week, my plane came into LAX twenty seats less than expected, so of course I was kicked off. No, not the hippie, dread lock dude who had been "traveling all over South America just taking in the culture for the past four months", it was I, who had an 8am call time the next morning in Chicago. I'm forced to take the red-eye and land with just enough time to take a cab straight from the airport to set and into the makeup chair. But for being ever so cooperative I was given a free roundtrip ticket to anywhere in the continental United States. I plan on doing much blogging about New York in the spring.
Miss Kayln and I were able to enjoy our first 'White Christmas'", both of us being from the sunny state of Florida (as my fake ID will tell you ha). We took our lunch break to frolic in the snowy parking lot before we realized how vital gloves are when having a snowball fight.
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