Sunday, July 29, 2007

Raw Sugar

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI think the geeks got me sick because I'm pretty lethargic and my throat is on fire. My heart is broken because I transfered most of my music to my new Mac but alot of my songs won't play because they are already authorized to too many other computers WaAaAaA! I really don't know what I'm going to do with myself! With all my spare time, now that I'm bed ridden, I was checking out music online and found the new Metric album that was released last month. I'm bitter that I didn't even know they were releasing a new album. I've been with them from the start and saw them at the El Rey when they were touring the Old World Underground album. Metric gives one hell of a live show. But as soon as I'm well enough to leave the house I'm making a beeline to the record store and buying Grow Up and Blow Away.
And I finally got ahold of and uploaded some of the foam/pool party pictures (below)

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