Tuesday, December 4, 2007

That Holiday Cheer

The holiday spirit is in full swing here on campus. We break for the December holiday and the end of semester a week from Friday, and people are already thinking about home again. The dorm decorating contest has turned into a full battle of the halls with kids litterally wrapping their dorms by using santa clause themed paper to wallpaper their rooms. One set of roommates even bought a real Christmas tree and decorated it in their dorm. Unfortunately it was deemed a fire hazard and had to be removed to outside the window. The roommates protested by posting a sign stating "You can take our tree but you can't take our holiday spirit!". The tree lighting ceremony was Sunday night and I caught a glimpse of the even in the evening, the field was illuminated with paperbag candles leading up the tree that stands in the center of campus. Heck I was even invited to a 'Holiday Sweaters, Vests (and Big Breasts)' themed party this weekend hah. The coffee shop that I write from is decked with hip purple, teal and green snowflakes and bobbles that hang from the ceiling and rocks a variety of well-known Christmas carols. And although I'm not a fan of excess holiday spirit too early in the month ( I'm still feeling Thanksgiving dinner!) the pop version of "All I Want For Christmas is You" is the perfect theme while I glance over the top of my laptop screen out the window at a gorgeous dark-haired guy.
Grant left the states back to Australia this afternoon. Even though I knew that he would be leaving, it still came too soon. I'm so glad I met Granty and got a chance to spend time with him, we always had fun and we constantly laughing. Whenever I see whorish regrowth I will think of him. Dare I say I'm a bit cut. Two months came and have now passed. It has reminded me the brief time that I have been here at school and in LA, but it feels like ages. All the people I've met, things I've done feel like they could fill years. I believe this time will be looked back on as one of the most exciting and pivotal times in my life. Similar to the concept of luck being the convergence of opportunity and preparedness, this period in my life has been the meeting point of the social and educational opportunity of a college community joined with my own eagerness for something new.

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